Globally Responsive

Globally Responsive and Responsible

Success loves preparation, optimization, and action.

The Current Sustainability Framework

Strict adherence with current global, national, regional and local best-practice sustainability protocol is guaranteed in every initiative, as well as, extreme attention in providing “better-than” sustainability practice, wherever and whenever possible.

We maintain a rigid, but comprehensive, sustainability framework, based upon the directives and recommendations of many organizations, such as the OECD, the European Commission and most importantly the Country Ministries and Departments of our specific “country of engagement”, as are required, in real-time, as this is a rapidly changing world.  Final determination of EXACT FRAMEWORK is successfully defined when careful analysis of each “region” is complete, including locally-based, unique and intensive, attention to detail.

Our current sustainability framework may begin with the 1997 outcome of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, which established legally binding targets for developed and developing nations to reduce GHG emissions; but, we integrate many other protocol, required or more rigid, where applicable, equitable, feasible, and possible. 

Third Party Certification

Exact terminology and definitions, and collective acceptance, of said definition parameters is critical.  For example, there is continuing world-wide progress in achieving immediate impacts on reducing GHGs through the implementation of what is called “green-building” or “sustainable-design” – a building by building approach to meeting Kyoto targets, or better.  Ensuring avoidance of charges of “greenwashing”, or the falsification of sustainable- or green-design, it is crucial to quantify sustainable measures and ensure that environmental targets are met.  For parameters such as this, a mutually-agreed upon third-party could certify “sustainability-compliance” protocol for definition and practice.

Sustainability and Responsiveness

EVERY initiative is unique. ELFI will apply its customized, sustainability guidelines and parameters for its role in the development of comprehensive, energy-efficient and sustainability foci, based upon each local, regional and national parameters, needs, impact and custom-optimized outcome goals. ELFI works for each community, and with each community, to realize the goals and vision toward a sustainable future. Together, sharing the same principles and mission, we will meet and exceed your expectations. By applying ELFI’s collective assets and resources to each initiative, ELFI intend will facilitate results that will be a sustainability-benchmark, within the US, or globally.

Detailed, organized, comprehensive and optimized, a collaboration and coalition for sustainable living within any giving country must be carefully developed and nurtured. Whether a citizen lives in a major city or remote village, or; is a cosmopolitan businessman or a local farmer, shouldn’t all citizens of a country have the opportunity for participation to provide better quality of life and to have the opportunity to be the most productive citizen for the benefit of their country?

What is “sustainability”?  “Sustainability”, is defined pursuant to which “focus” one is referring. “Sustainability” usage is as diverse as the people of a country and is as important to each citizen, as it is to the collective whole. As a working, living-definition, we shall define… Sustainability: A process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations (The World Commission on Environment and Development).

“Real-impact” sustainable development, is inarguably one which integrates “all” humanity-related elements:  Economic, social, cultural, environmental, educational, political and essentially, all aspects of personal and public life are combined into one “sustainable system”.

ELFI facilitates approach, process, method and system which incorporates all criteria that have direct and indirect positive impact and externalities, locally through globally, for each initiative. ELFI’s unique holistic and detailed “systems” approach, combines experience, knowledge, products, services and more, to provide customized maximum sustainable benefits for each engagement.

Efficient, effective, equitable, feasible, affordable and optimized, ELFI provides quality, accountability and responsibility to every effort and most importantly the residents who will be directly and indirectly impacted, as well as, the collective greatness of their home country; sustainable positive results, every time. ELFI accomplishes this in a manner which is not intrusive, nor burdensome, nor expensive; a sustainable future is a matter of proper planning and realistic detail coordination, optimization, application and implementation, and execution and continuing optimization.

ELFI applies these protocols and principles with United States AND Global Initiatives, whenever and wherever possible.