Planning and Management

ELFI is increasingly being contracted for planning, coordinating, and developing sustainable initiatives, through execution and post-implementation and compliance.  ELFI having comprehensive oversight and authority, in a Project or Program Optimization Capacity ensures the continuity and integrity of sustainable objectives and outcomes. ELFI collaborates and acts on behalf of clients for the establishment of “best-in-class and practice”, “right fit” systems facilitation, and process and materiel optimization, as well as, coordinating, collaborating and managing other firms within each sustainable project or program.



ELFI ensures high-performance and high-impact solutions whenever and wherever possible with our integrative sustainable methodology, and operationally optimized processes and systems, by adding sustainable value everywhere we are engaged, for companies or organizations who are in concept development, crystallization, formulation, or early stage, development. 


ELFI understands that building or development initiatives may already be underway, and that stakeholders in these projects, due to lack of research, understanding, or misinformation of sustainable building products, solutions, technologies, and integrative systemization, may find themselves struggling to correct inefficiencies, gaps and voids. Under these unfortunate circumstances, companies engage ELFI for consultative, managerial or executive oversight purposes, even after a project is well into the planning phase.


ELFI expertise and experience… Due to ELFI’s reputation for superior, integrative and customizable building technologies; engineering prowess; thoughtfully sustainable and consultative approach; and systemized integration with ELFI products, as well as, conventional building systems; companies know that ELFI is positioned to assist, even after stakeholders have initiated their projects.  ELFI is engaged for these projects, even though the project may not be utilizing ELFI Technologies, as ELFI will evaluate, and potentially facilitate, projects that seeks to optimize sustainability, energy-efficiency, “green”, healthy-living, and environmental responsibility, when the parameters are conducive, and if it will be ELFI managed and directed.


Clients engage ELFI for varying scope and geographic locations, and enquiries are on the rise.  Projects requests are brought to ELFI directly, or through our host of Strategic Partnerships.  ELFI has built a network of best-in-class, best-in-practice Strategic Partnerships with like-minded and shared-principles, such as Architectural and Engineering Firms, Socio-Economic and Business Development and Optimization Companies, Real-Estate Development Companies, Philanthropic Organizations, and more, so ELFI’s ability to assist sustainable initiatives is very comprehensive.